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Like libevent, libev, and libuv, libhv provides event-loop with non-blocking IO and timer, but simpler api and richer protocols.
  • Cross-platform (Linux, Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, BSD, Solaris)

  • High-performance EventLoop (IO, timer, idle, custom)

  • TCP/UDP client/server/proxy

  • TCP supports heartbeat, reconnect, upstream, MultiThread-safe write and close, etc.

  • Built-in common unpacking modes (FixedLength, Delimiter, LengthField)

  • RUDP support: WITH_KCP


  • HTTP client/server (support https http1/x http2 grpc)

  • HTTP supports static service, indexof service, forward/reverse proxy service, sync/async API handler

  • HTTP supports RESTful, router, middleware, keep-alive, chunked, SSE, etc.

  • WebSocket client/server

  • MQTT client

Compile and Build

Because I use Windows11,so I only introduce how to build with CMake GUI, and because CMake GUI is so easy,so I skip it.

we only need hv.dll in /bin/ and /hv/ in /include/ ,if you want, the hv.lib and hv_static.lib can also be stored.

new a directory under solution and named include ,put /hv/ in here.

new a directory under solution and named lib ,put hv.dll or hv.lib and hv_static.lib here,put all here is also all right.

and in properties, VC++ directories's Library Directories ,fill the /lib/. Include Directories put the /include/ ,or put the include in Additional Include Directories.

in Linker, Additional Dependencies ,write the hv.lib here.

and put the hv.dll under the root directory(I forget this is VS auto or my manual operation).

After these things ,don't forget add existing items for .h in includes.

and the test code is :

#include "UdpClient.h" #include "htime.h" #include <iostream> using namespace hv; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { std::cout << "Client\n"; if (argc < 2) { printf("Usage: %s port\n", argv[0]); return -10; } int port = atoi(argv[1]); UdpClient cli; int sockfd = cli.createsocket(port); if (sockfd < 0) { return -20; } printf("client sendto port %d, sockfd=%d ...\n", port, sockfd); cli.onMessage = [](const SocketChannelPtr &channel, Buffer *buf) { printf("< %.*s\n", (int)buf->size(), (char *)buf->data()); }; cli.onWriteComplete = [](const SocketChannelPtr &channel, Buffer *buf) { printf("> %.*s\n", (int)buf->size(), (char *)buf->data()); }; cli.start(); // sendto(time) every 3s cli.loop()->setInterval(3000, [&cli](TimerID timerID) { char str[DATETIME_FMT_BUFLEN] = {0}; datetime_t dt = datetime_now(); datetime_fmt(&dt, str); cli.sendto(str); }); // press Enter to stop while (getchar() != '\n'); return 0; }

ensure there's no error.

Don't forget to modify the command Arguments in Properties->Debugging ,this only represent port,so fill it with four numbers like "5678".

Here's all configuration,enjoy it!

Protocol Buffer

This will be more complex but a little.

In directory /include/ ,we need to put /google/ /handler/ /generated/ here,and two .h protorpc.h router.h. don't forget to put the protorpc.c under the root directory and add it to project.And in /lib/ ,we also need to put some protocol lib here,include libprotobuf.dll libprotobuf.lib libprotoc.dll libprotoc.lib.

In project properties ,in C++ additional include directories,we can put the include and its son files here.

In linker input, addition dependencies ,add the libprotobuf.lib and libprotoc.lib.'

Don't forget to add a line of code in *.pb.h ,like this:

#ifndef GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_INCLUDED_base_2eproto #define GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_INCLUDED_base_2eproto #define PROTOBUF_USE_DLLS #include <limits> #include <string>

All right, in this way,we complete configuration.

The test server code :

/* * proto rpc server * * @build make protorpc * @server bin/protorpc_server 1234 * @client bin/protorpc_client 1234 add 1 2 * */ #include "TcpServer.h" using namespace hv; #include "protorpc.h" #include "router.h" #include "handler/handler.h" #include "handler/calc.h" #include "handler/login.h" protorpc_router router[] = { {"add", calc_add}, {"sub", calc_sub}, {"mul", calc_mul}, {"div", calc_div}, {"login", login}, }; #define PROTORPC_ROUTER_NUM (sizeof(router)/sizeof(router[0])) class ProtoRpcServer : public TcpServer { public: ProtoRpcServer() : TcpServer() { onConnection = [](const SocketChannelPtr& channel) { std::string peeraddr = channel->peeraddr(); if (channel->isConnected()) { printf("%s connected! connfd=%d\n", peeraddr.c_str(), channel->fd()); } else { printf("%s disconnected! connfd=%d\n", peeraddr.c_str(), channel->fd()); } }; onMessage = handleMessage; // init protorpc_unpack_setting unpack_setting_t protorpc_unpack_setting; memset(&protorpc_unpack_setting, 0, sizeof(unpack_setting_t)); protorpc_unpack_setting.mode = UNPACK_BY_LENGTH_FIELD; protorpc_unpack_setting.package_max_length = DEFAULT_PACKAGE_MAX_LENGTH; protorpc_unpack_setting.body_offset = PROTORPC_HEAD_LENGTH; protorpc_unpack_setting.length_field_offset = PROTORPC_HEAD_LENGTH_FIELD_OFFSET; protorpc_unpack_setting.length_field_bytes = PROTORPC_HEAD_LENGTH_FIELD_BYTES; protorpc_unpack_setting.length_field_coding = ENCODE_BY_BIG_ENDIAN; setUnpack(&protorpc_unpack_setting); } int listen(int port) { return createsocket(port); } private: static void handleMessage(const SocketChannelPtr& channel, Buffer* buf) { // unpack -> Request::ParseFromArray -> router -> Response::SerializeToArray -> pack -> Channel::write // protorpc_unpack protorpc_message msg; memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg)); int packlen = protorpc_unpack(&msg, buf->data(), buf->size()); if (packlen < 0) { printf("protorpc_unpack failed!\n"); return; } assert(packlen == buf->size()); if (protorpc_head_check(&msg.head) != 0) { printf("protorpc_head_check failed!\n"); return; } // Request::ParseFromArray protorpc::Request req; protorpc::Response res; if (req.ParseFromArray(msg.body, msg.head.length)) { printf("> %s\n", req.DebugString().c_str()); res.set_id(; // router const char* method = req.method().c_str(); bool found = false; for (int i = 0; i < PROTORPC_ROUTER_NUM; ++i) { if (strcmp(method, router[i].method) == 0) { found = true; router[i].handler(req, &res); break; } } if (!found) { not_found(req, &res); } } else { bad_request(req, &res); } // Response::SerializeToArray + protorpc_pack protorpc_message_init(&msg); msg.head.length = res.ByteSize(); packlen = protorpc_package_length(&msg.head); unsigned char* writebuf = NULL; HV_ALLOC(writebuf, packlen); packlen = protorpc_pack(&msg, writebuf, packlen); if (packlen > 0) { printf("< %s\n", res.DebugString().c_str()); res.SerializeToArray(writebuf + PROTORPC_HEAD_LENGTH, msg.head.length); channel->write(writebuf, packlen); } HV_FREE(writebuf); } }; int main(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc < 2) { printf("Usage: %s port\n", argv[0]); return -10; } int port = atoi(argv[1]); ProtoRpcServer srv; int listenfd = srv.listen(port); if (listenfd < 0) { return -20; } printf("protorpc_server listen on port %d, listenfd=%d ...\n", port, listenfd); srv.setThreadNum(4); srv.start(); while (1) hv_sleep(1); return 0; }
Last modified: 02 July 2024